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CEWE myPhotos

CEWE myPhotos is an online cloud-storage service - a safe haven for your photos, videos and projects, that can be accessed any time, from any device.

With a clean and simple interface, CEWE myPhotos allows you to keep all of your best photos safely organised in one place. You’ll never have to scroll through a mountain of files to find the right image again! What's more, you'll receive your first 15GB of storage space free of charge.

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Organise your files with ease

Organising photos and videos in CEWE myPhotos couldn’t be simpler.

Your pictures will be automatically sorted into chronological order and arranged into a timeline. You have total control over the filing system.

  • Add your own star ratings to make it easy to find your best photos
  • Create albums and collections for different events and projects - such as weddings, holidays or weekends away

The software loads large thumbnails at lightning speed, so you can browse your pictures with ease and find the files you’re looking for in no time.

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Access your photos from anywhere

Once you’ve registered, your account is accessible from the web, from our downloadable desktop software, from in-store kiosks, and from the CEWE myPhotos app. If you have files stored across multiple devices, this is a great way to gather them into one centralised library. You’ll be able to access all your photos and videos, wherever you happen to be! - Software compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux - Mobile and tablet app available for iOS and Android - Integrated seamlessly with your Boots Photo account

Keep your memories safe and secure

Your photos and videos will be stored safely and securely in CEWE’s own data centres, following European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), for total peace of mind. All uploads are encrypted and 100% private – nobody sees your files but you and those you choose to share them with. We create multiple back-ups, so you’ll never have to worry about losing anything!

Share and collaborate with family and friends

CEWE myPhotos supports the secure sharing of photos, videos and projects with your friends and family. You can edit your own security settings, collaborate on a photo book project with others, or simply collect all the images from one event in one place – even those taken by other people.

  • Create unique, secure links to share your albums via email or messaging
  • Create passwords for your shared albums for trusted friends to use
  • Invite family and friends to upload their photos to shared albums
  • Limit access to shared albums with time restrictions
  • Share your albums publicly to show off your best work
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Try our state-of-the-art features

If you choose to use the advanced settings, CEWE myPhotos can even automatically identify specific faces, places and objects in your photos.

  • See all your photos of a specific person in one folder, using in-built facial recognition technology
  • See all your photos from one place in one folder, using geo-location data.
  • Automatically attach tags to your photos which contain certain objects

Smart, AI-based technology is integrated within the CEWE myPhotos software, which means you can further organise your images at the click of a button.

For example, if you’re making a photo book with pictures of the children to gift to your extended family members, the software can scan your photos and identify their faces for you, so you won't need to spend time searching.

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