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01926 463 605

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Share Your Stories with Us

Whether you have welcomed new life into the world, undertaken a lockdown project, are celebrating a milestone birthday with someone close to you or have simply been reminiscing on your favourite moments as a family – we want to hear from you.

To get involved, simply send us a few of your favourite photos with a story to tell or a short video by e-mail (with an attachment of less than 20 MB and less than 2 minutes!) to sharemystory@cewe.co.uk.

We can’t wait to hear your stories!

Have You Made a CEWE PHOTOBOOK Recently?

Have you created a CEWE PHOTOBOOK as a gift or to preserve a specific event or milestone?

Email us today and tell us about these special moments in a few words which will provide us with an insight into your CEWE PHOTOBOOK story.

Please note: Anything you chose to send us will not be shared anywhere outside our initial conversations. You are not obliged to participate any further than you feel comfortable with – this is a space for you to share what means the most to you.