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4 by 4 gride of photos and text blocks as a family photo book cover

Photobook Inspiration

Hello World: Documenting Your Baby’s First Year

1st December 2020

The first days, weeks, and months of your baby’s life are so exciting - for the baby itself and of course for you as new parents, too! From that first smile, the day they first said “Mama” or “Dada”, to the moment they take their first step. Bring all those treasured moments together, right from the start, in a CEWE PHOTOBOOK.

Your baby photo yearbook is the perfect way to preserve those special memories and the many ‘firsts’ you’ll experience with your little one for years to come. It makes a beautiful keepsake for you to look back on and see how much your baby has grown- especially when sleep deprivation makes those memories a little bit blurry! Plus, at some point in the future, your child will also be able to flip through their baby photo book and reflect on a time before they could remember.

Enjoy this precious time forever in a CEWE PHOTOBOOK. We’ve put together our top tips on how to document your baby’s first year that will inspire you to create your own.

simplistic photo book open to photos of new parents holding their child

From Bump to Baby

The pregnancy journey is a special experience between mother and baby – and for the rest of the family too. If you’ve been taking photos of your bump and keeping track of baby’s size all the way from grape to watermelon, then why not document this journey in your own bump to baby photo book?

With social distancing measures in place throughout 2020, many of your loved ones may have missed out on those milestone moments during your pregnancy, as well as those key moments after your little bundle of joy arrived. Create a Large Landscape CEWE PHOTOBOOK to share those wonderful moments with your family in future, following your nine-month journey as well as those first few days with your new addition. You could even create a smaller, compact version of your photo book to gift to your baby shower party or the doting grandparents as a keepsake of those moments they missed out on.

open photo book showing photos of mother with bump preparing nursery

Their First Year

Whether you’ve recently become new parents, or your family has now got an additional member, it’s important to document those special moments throughout your baby’s first year. We’re sure you’ve taken a million and one photos of your little one, so why not bring them to life in a physical baby memory book? A personalised baby’s first year photo book, filled with your own precious photos, is the perfect option to remember those early days when they were tiny. You can create your baby’s first year photo book in a few simple steps using our free downloadable Creator Software. We recommend a Square CEWE PHOTOBOOK as it is the perfect size to showcase your favourite moments with your baby. Choose from our range of stylish, themed templates, such as “Our Family”, “Our Year in Pictures” and “2020 Light” from our yearbook collection. Alternatively, there are plenty of baby and family themed templates for you to choose from, as well as the option to design your own baby photo book from scratch.

4 by 4 gride of photos and text blocks as a family photo book cover

A Cute Gift for Your Loved Ones

You don’t have to keep all of those cute photos to yourself! Share your bundle of joy with doting family members in their own copy of your baby’s first yearbook – especially for those that may have missed out or are yet to meet the new arrival this year. Display your favourite baby photos and special moments in a beautiful CEWE PHOTOBOOK to gift to the grandparents near and far, or to give as a Christening gift for the baby’s Godparents. Your baby’s first year photo book makes the perfect keepsake and is sure to go down a treat with all who are in love with your little one already!

A 2020 themed photo book cover with golden highlights added to the text

Not Just the Beginning

You don’t have to just focus on your baby’s early days or their first year. If you have young children that have seemed to grow way too quickly, look back over the past ten years in a personalised photo book. Gather your most treasured photos, from their moments as a newborn right up until today. It’s a beautiful way to look back over their life so far and see how much they’ve grown and developed from baby, to toddler, to child. It will also make a great gift to present to your child on their 18th birthday (remember to choose a few embarrassing photos for good measure!)

For more tips, ideas and inspiration on how to create your baby’s first year photo book, check out our baby photo book page. When you’ve created your own baby yearbook, don’t forget to share it with us on social media using the hashtag #BootsPhoto.

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