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large portrait photo book open to spread of family photos from ski trip

Photobook Inspiration

How to Select the Perfect CEWE PHOTOBOOK

3rd December 2020

With nine different CEWE PHOTOBOOK formats to browse, you have plenty of choice when it comes to shapes and sizes, but knowing which one to pick to best suit your project can be tricky, we know! With this in mind, here’s our guide to selecting the perfect CEWE PHOTOBOOK to gift to your loved ones this Christmas.

personalised gifts and photo books displayed on a wall shelving unit

Which Size Photo Book Should I Choose?

Before you start with the design of your CEWE PHOTOBOOK, it’s best to first decide on a format, as this will influence the arrangement of your photos.

Starting Small

Our Small photo book sizes are ideal as little mementos or souvenirs. They’re perfect for a little gift for a loved one that still packs a big punch. Although these two are smaller in size, you won’t compromise on quality, both in terms of the way your photos will look on paper and how much the gift will mean to the lucky recipient.

large landscape photobook with a cover depicting two kids blowing bubbles on a beach

If you’ve been on a short break this year or just want to collate a few happy snaps from days gone by, create a Small or Pocket CEWE PHOTOBOOK that they can flick through and pop in a bag to carry with them. The ideal portable serotonin boost!

Square and Large CEWE PHOTOBOOK

Our Large Landscape and Large Portrait CEWE PHOTOBOOK sizes correspond approximately to the size of A4 paper and are best sellers for all kinds of stories, while our standard Square option provides an alternative shape option. For a modest yet sizeable book that displays your photos in unbeatable quality, you can’t go wrong with one of these!

4 by 4 gride of photos and text blocks as a family photo book cover

Compiling photos of a special trip, highlights of the year or just a fun album of selfies? Any of these sizes are just right for showcasing your photos. We find they also make the perfect coffee table books, so make sure your cover design is ready for all to admire with our handy guide.

The Big Hitters

When it comes to choosing the shape and size of your photo book, a rule of thumb is that the more important the occasion, the larger the pictures – and the bigger your photo book should be! This is why our XL and XXL sizes prove so popular for wedding albums and travel photo books. For those unforgettable memories in life, a large format CEWE PHOTOBOOK will help you to keep hold of your precious moments in stunning detail for you to relive time and time again.

Leather covered photobook with gold highlighted text displayed above sofa

Be sure to check out our brand new Leather and Linen cover options available on XL Square and XXL Landscape books. Not only have they already won a coveted TIPA award, they’re going down a storm with our customers, too. Plus, when you select a leather or linen cover, you’ll have a choice of colours to select from and you can even add Highlights to your front cover design for no additional fee.

Whichever size you choose for your CEWE PHOTOBOOK, you can be assured that your photos will be presented in the best quality so you can keep your treasured memories to reflect on for many years to come.

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