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CEWE wins TIPA World Award, Best Photo Service

The TIPA World Awards are the world’s most sought-after accolade for photo and imaging products. CEWE are thrilled to have been awarded the 2024 TIPA World Award for Best Photo Service for the seventh consecutive year and eighth time in their history.

What are the TIPA World Awards?

TIPA are the Technical Image Press Association, a global panel of experts in the photo and imaging industry. The TIPA panel are renowned for their trustworthy appraisals and expertise.

Every year the panel meet to discuss, nominate and vote for the very best photography products, honouring around fifty products from the world of photography each year.

The TIPA Award rewards innovation, technological advances, design, ergonomics, ease of use and value for money. Award categories are not fixed and change every year according to the latest market developments.

Top mark CEWE Innovation

CEWE Freeform Stickers from CEWE Photostations

The freeform sticker redefines the possibilities of personal design and immediate printing.

International jury, TIPA World Awards

Our TIPA World Awards

close up on photo book with gold embossing

In 2018, TIPA praised our range of CEWE PHOTOBOOK cover types, particularly our Highlights. These additions were admired as a way to “instantly give your CEWE PHOTOBOOK that extra special finishing touch.” The panel were also impressed by our guided creation process which “makes book selection and creation easy.”